Junior Parent Project Graduation

Dear Class of 2025 Parents,
Project Graduation has been hosted for the past 36 years as a safe, substance-free evening of celebration on graduation night for Seniors. In recent years, the WMMHS PTO has absorbed Project Graduation as a committee to assist with communications with High School administration and to provide the insurance and raffle licenses necessary to make it a successful year for students and parents. All PG volunteers are required to be a registered and paid member of the PTO for the 2024/2025 school year. The fundraising and the organization that goes into creating special events for the Seniors is an enormous job and the PTO will be holding a Zoom meeting on May 1 at 7:30pm to introduce Junior parents to the activities and positions open to support Project Graduation.

On May 2nd, a sign-up genius will be emailed out from the school to all Junior parents. There will be equal opportunities for everyone to help. An in-person meeting for all interested in participating will follow before the end of the 2023-2024 school year. Just to give everyone a sense of what we will be discussing, please take a look at the list of past events and positions.

Project Graduation Chairs: 2-4 people to oversee the fundraising and activities for all PG events during the school year. PG Chairs will run regular update meetings with their sub-committees and will be the main liaison with the PTO and school administration. They will ensure all PG volunteers are PTO members to ensure all activities are covered by the PTO insurance. They will be the lead in providing any necessary forms, documents, and past committees’ binders. They will send out thank you notes to all PG supporters and businesses and ensure IRS donation receipts are provided to all who donated in excess of $250 worth of goods / services.

PG Treasurer: Collect Senior Dues, develop a budget for PG Activities in conjunction with the PG Chairs, provide an accurate accounting of all income / expenses for the various activities, act as liaison with PTO Treasurer, and be responsible for filing the annual report with the State of NJ.

PG Secretary: Maintain accurate notes of all regularly scheduled PG Committee and subcommittee meetings.

Senior Picnic Committee: Organize the Fall Event for Seniors, Class t-shirt give-away and Ice Cream Truck. This event is also a great opportunity to take the group Class of 2025 Senior Picture (arrange with GameFace). The food portion of the picnic has been either a traditional picnic with volunteers cooking on grills or can be outsourced to a local vendor. This committee arranges all volunteers, equipment rentals, secures ice cream truck, orders t-shirts for giveaway, and schedules photographer for the Class photo.

Fundraising Committee: The fundraising committee, in conjunction with PG Chairs will develop a fundraising plan for the year. They will be responsible for obtaining volunteers and running a variety of different fundraisers to meet the fundraising budget. The past 2 years fundraisers have included the following:

Bake Sales - a variety of bake sales outside local businesses. Secure bake sale volunteers to take the lead on this.

Parents’ Night Out - secure band and venue to charge a cover for adult attendees at local establishment

Trivia Night - secure venue and held trivia contest for adult attendees at local establishment Wine Sale - best done for the holidays. Work with a wine vendor to sell a package of wines at a set price, take orders and deliver to buyers.

Golf Outing - typically the largest fundraising event for PG that takes place late spring. This event includes a golf tournament with prizes, a luncheon for non-golfers, 50/50 prize drawing, door prizes, tricky tray, and silent auction items. This is a large undertaking that requires many volunteers to secure venue, organize volunteers, file state gaming license applications, obtain tricky tray & silent auction prizes, etc.

Tricky Tray - prior to PG hosting a golf outing, past committees have held a tricky tray social at Mendham HS in the evening. Complimentary food / snacks were provided to attendees, who purchased tickets to attend and win prizes.

Giveaways Committee: If funds allow, other PG events may take place throughout the year. This committee helps plan those other fun Senior PG events during the year. Some examples of past events are as follows: hypnotist / pizza party at the school, donut truck during lunch periods, ice cream truck during lunch periods, surprise gift giveaways.
Senior Brunch Committee: This committee in charge of ordering and/or preparing brunch for all seniors to have before they report to their mandatory graduation practice. This takes place the day before graduation. Brunch committee organizes the volunteers for all aspects of the brunch. If funds allow, there is a prize raffle that all Senior attendees are eligible to enter. The brunch also includes a digital baby photo display that needs to be organized and played during the brunch.

Project Graduation Night Event Committee: This committee in charge of securing the Event venue, booking entertainment, organizing chaperones, securing transportation and security for the Event, and collecting all waivers for attendees. The event venue for 2023 and 2024 has been a NYC cruise boat including onboard entertainment, food, etc.

*All Seniors are invited to every PG event regardless of ability to pay dues or family participation in fundraising.

Please join us on May 1 at 7:30pm on Zoom or reach out with any questions to [email protected].

Topic: PTO Project Graduation Informational Meeting

Time: May 1, 2024 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Thank you!

Emily Ferguson & Liza Saunders

PTO Co-Chairs